The Housing Authority of Winston-Salem continues to help families envision upward mobility as goal to achieve economic sustainability and self-sufficiency. Resident Opportunities and Self-Sufficiency (R.O.S.S.) program collaborates with residents and partnerships to identify needs and implement services that improve the quality of life for our families. Through a network of community partnerships, quarterly meetings are held to assess the impact of services and measure the effectiveness of program activities. HAWS continues to establish partnerships that promote educational enhancement, job creation and employment, health and wellness and financial independence. The R.O.S.S. Program incorporates P.A.T.H. (People Achieving Their Highest) as a pathway for families to reduce or eliminate dependence on government support and length of stay in public housing. P.A.T.H. has two main focuses: education and employment. Families develop goals that transition them from being under-education, under-employed, under-skilled to being viable candidates in the competitive labor market and earning higher wages. Job aides such as employability workshops, hiring events, wellness fairs and financial workshops are held quarterly at public housing developments. Employment leads and resources are available to assist with acquiring or retaining employment.
Housing Authority of Winston-Salem
500 W. 4th Street, Suite 300, Winston-Salem, NC 27101
Phone: (336) 727-8500